Open Space Framework

    Proposed open space framework

      Proposed open space framework

      Proposed Open Space Framework

      The CMP proposes open spaces that affirm the original planning tenets through investment in accessible entry and arrival experiences, places for gathering, sustainable landscapes, and intentional stormwater zones.

      Entry and Arrival Experience

      The Goucher entry sequence and gatehouse are reimagined to accommodate the potential for streetscape improvements and increased urbanization near the Dulaney Valley Road entry and to the southwest of campus, to clearly define the entry and preserve the sense of transition to a rural environment while remaining inviting to the surrounding community, and to directly align with a proposed universally accessible entry plaza and pathway to the academic quad. The proposed entry and arrival experience improvements maintain key elements, including the Guth Memorial Gateway and linden tree allee, while also supporting proposed circulation improvements to major destinations for students and visitors, including a drop-off near the proposed interdisciplinary arts building and a proposed new structured parking garage near the Sports and Recreation District. Circulation and wayfinding are improved for visitors arriving at campus for major athletic and arts events by positioning the proposed gatehouse along the entry road prior to the beginning of the campus loop road. Similarly, the relocation of the loop road allows for the expansion of the wooded area to the east of the proposed gatehouse, creating an additional buffer area and open space between the campus proper and surrounding development.

      Entrance to Goucher College campus
      Places for Gathering

      The CMP defines and proposes several active open spaces to complement the surrounding buildings and the activities of each campus district. While flexible in nature, these outdoor spaces are proposed to meet the needs of specific uses while remaining accessible to all Goucher community members. This includes, among other spaces, proposed outdoor classrooms accessible from the academic quad and directly from building interior space to provide instruction variety, enhanced and expanded areas for engaging with food-producing landscapes such as a dining plaza and garden to the northeast of Mary Fisher Dining Center, utility connections and other supportive elements proposed in large gathering areas similar to Winslow Great Lawn that host events and performances, and areas for event-specific gathering such as the proposed sports spine and plaza adjacent to the SRC. Other gathering spaces proposed in the CMP support smaller groups or occasional use, such as residential courtyards, plazas proposed near building entries, and restored woodlands areas.

      Men's soccer game
      Hot air balloon
      Student and parents at Family Weekend